The World is facing unprecedented pandemic of CORONA now. Respiratory disorders are very common in the community. Heart and Lung disorders have many common presentations and co-exist very frequently. To take care of such patients with allied Cardiology disorders dually qualified specialist is available. To take care of somatization disorders especially dyspnoed, services of Clinical Psychologist are also available in Pulmonary rehabilitation. Pulmonology department at Narinder Mohan Hospital and Heart centre has excellent team of doctors which serves to manage patients suffering from various disorders of lungs like Asthma, COPD,Tuberculosis (TB), pneumonia, lung cancers, birth defects of lungs, sleep disorders, snoring etc.
Pulmonology department has outpatient and inpatient facilities backed by the Intensive Medical Care Units , and excellent Operation Theatre facilities for Thoracic Surgery. Fibreoptic Bronchoscopy, TBNA, TBLB, Foreignbody extraction, Pleuroscopy. Thoracoscopy, Intercostal water seal drainge rae regularly performed.